We are here to offer hope for your pain with our dentist in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Dr Sidney Fleisher, a local dentist, treating TMJ in Winnipeg, has devoted the last 35 years of his career in helping patients with this disorder.
Often labeled “The Great Imposter”, this painful condition mimics many other disorders, which must be ruled out first. Once this is done, Dr. Fleisher, a general dentist, will spend a considerable amount of time with you to explain exactly what TMJ is and the symptoms associated with this condition. He knows there is not any one particular treatment, but possibly several options and treatment plans to bring a resolution to your pain.
Dr. Fleisher understands chronic pain well, having suffered for years himself. He is but a handful of dentists for TMJ treatment Winnipeg patients can count on to understand TMJ as fully and completely as Dr. Fleisher, a family dentist.
The dental office has a pre-treatment questionnaire online for you to complete and submit online before your consultation with Dr. Fleisher, a highly qualified and experienced dentist Winnipeg patients count on for their treatment of TMJ.
Although most dentists in Winnipeg refer to this condition as TMJ, it is actually Myofascial Pain Dysfunction (MPD). This is a disorder, which involves the muscles and clenching of the teeth. It is critical that when you find a dentist, make sure they fully understand what TMJ really is and what the symptoms and treatments are for this disorder. Not every dentist office is trained enough to handle such complex cases as this.
Some of the causes, which will be explored by Dr Fleisher at his family dentistry practice, are whether you have experienced any of the following:
* Trauma involving the head or neck
* Possible arthritis
* Malocclusion (jaws that do not correctly line up)
* Stress
* Hormonal imbalances
Not every local dentist is experienced in looking at the big picture and understanding TMJ. Dr. Fleisher has 35 years of experience to welcome new patients to our dentist office Winnipeg residents trust the most. Call today for an appointment with our caring and compassionate staff.