I want to thank you very much for your treatment program for my TMJ problems. I am already finding a great deal of relief from my night-time mouth guard and am very pleased with my treatment. If ever there is testimony I could give to Manitoba Health to have the government consider TMJ treatments as part of the medical coverage it offers, I would be happy to be a part of such a group.
– Kayla Y., Winnipeg
Patient Testimonials – Kayla Y., Winnipeg
Patient Testimonial – Barbara A., MB
You are quite possibly the man I think of most often these days. In fact, there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and feel grateful for your existence. After spending literally years in pain and discomfort I was almost accidentally referred to you for your help. My teeth hurt, my jaw hurt, my face hurt. I had ear aches and swollen glands on a regular basis. Then the headaches, the stabbing pains in my head. Add to all this an already stressful life, fraught with bouts of deep depression caused by a mentally ill husband who had us forever on the brink of bankruptcy, if my regular dentist hadn’t (almost reluctantly) come up with your name suggesting you ‘may be able to help me’, I was well ready to jump off the ‘brink’ and I mean that sincerely. I made the call and was immediately handed over to someone who either had suffered the same as I or at least had a very good understanding of what I was going through. I was given an appointment and before I knew it there you were Dr., asking me if I would like to feel better right away. I was taken by surprise in more ways than one. First of all I had no idea that anything could be done quickly, that you were prepare to start right there and then. And secondly that you ‘knew’ exactly how I was feeling. No questions! Well you did ask questions but you already knew the answers. Another surprise was how eager you were to share your knowledge about my condition. You were prepared with diagrams and literature. I was educated about my condition which helped to remove the anxiety that often accompanies long time illnesses with no answers…till then.
I went away that first day feeling very grateful, hopeful and blessed. I could already open my mouth wide enough to eat an apple; quite a feat for me. But I was irritated, maybe even somewhat angry. Your knowledge, Dr. Fleisher, and your ability was out there waiting for me without my knowledge… and what about all the other people that suffered the same as i. who is going to help them? I understand that you are the only dentist that has the knowledge, nay, the ability to cure this debilitating condition. You really need to pass this procedure along, Dr. Fleisher. It’s not hocus pocus. It’s pure elementary science, not to demean your work. But it is simple once you put it all together. I firmly believe that you need to start a school of some sort to make your knowledge an essential part of what every dentist ought to know. In fact it should become an integral part of a dentist’s education. Not an option.
Oral health needs to be looked at more seriously. So much of our lives depend on good oral health and for that we need the best care from our dentists and all the education they can absorb. I would hate to see you leave the practice but I believe it is time for you to share the knowledge so that not just a few lucky ones will enjoy better health, physically and mentally.
I thank God every day for you, Dr. Fleisher, and I pray that you will still have time for me when you become a professor of practical dentistry. Those of us with teeth in our heads and those that don’t, need you. You’re my hero. Thank you again.
– Barbara A., MB
Patient testimonials-Jenna Y., Trenton, ON
Where do I start, how does one find the words to thank someone who has changed their life. When I found out that you were going to fix my gaps, I was the happiest person in the world. Little did I know that you would also end my constant suffering from headaches and neck pain? Now I have the confidence to smile as big as I can. I will miss my weekly visits, I always l looked forward to coming in, you always made me feel so welcome. You are like two angels making me smile. Thank you so much for all that you have done for me.
– Jenna Y., Trenton, ON
For more testimonials click here.
Patient Testimonials- Lauren Kathleen W., Ontario
I am not sure if you remember me, but I remember you. My name is Lauren Kathleen. You took me as your patient. You explained to me the mechanism of the jaw with your fake jaw skill, and demonstrated to me why my jaw was hurting. I had TMJ. My insurance was expiring and you made me a mouthpiece and fitted it again and again to make it comfortable. You also had your secretary rip up my bills. I tell stories about your kindness and the way God blessed me through you. And how you helped me in my time of need. I can’t thank you enough for your generous gift of love and the mouthpiece. I should tell you where I am now. The following June, I was happily married and later, we realized I was pregnant. Prior to my pregnancy I suffered from TMJ. Severe headaches so strong I couldn’t sit up- I have been faithfully wearing your mouthpiece every night. I no longer have such headaches and pain in my cheeks. Your mouthpiece alleviated the pain that Tylenol wouldn’t ease. I am so grateful to you for this relief.
– Lauren Kathleen W., Ontario
For more testimonials click here.
Dr. Fleisher is a Respected Dentist who Treats TMJ in Winnipeg Area
Local dentist in Winnipeg, Manitoba offers an extensive treatment for all disorders related to the temporomandibular joint or TMJ. The dysfunction can be caused by many factors, and it affects people of all ages. TMJ treatment in Winnipeg is tailored to the specific needs of each patient, and it may include the following.
Managing Oral Behaviors – In order to decrease jaw muscle tension and chronic fatigue, the dentist in Winnipeg creates a set of exercises to be implemented at home. The patient is also counseled on simple nutritional modifications, such as smaller bites, softer diet and avoidance of wide openings. Low or moderate intake of caffeine is suggested due to its stimulating effects.
Physical Treatments – Appliance therapy is implemented to help relax the muscle and aid in habit control. Depending on diagnosis made by the dentist in Winnipeg, the appliances are typically fabricated using hard acrylic or soft vinyl. The flat plane splint prevents upper arch teeth from touching the lower arch when the mouth is closed. This method of treatment is preferred as the splint absorbs the forces during grinding and typically does not create any alterations to the occlusion.
Thermal Treatments – The applications of hot, cold and moist heat are often recommended in addition to appliance therapy. Alternative hot and cold compresses relieve stress and pain imposed on the joints and muscles. Moist heat packs provide extended relief and are most effective for majority of individuals.
Medications – In extreme cases of chronic discomfort, the use of medication is warranted. The treatment is usually implemented with the cooperation of the patient’s medical provider to ensure proper results. All patients are closely monitored throughout the duration of the treatment. In most cases the medication regimen begins with the administration of over-the counter pain relievers in conjunction with other more modest methods of treatment. Muscle relaxants are prescribed by the dentist in Winnipeg for patients with sore joints, who are experiencing lack of relief from the traditional methods of therapy.
The ultimate goal of TMJ treatment by Dr. Fleisher in Winnipeg is to alleviate the stress and constant discomfort for patients afflicted with the disorder, as it may seriously affect the daily functions and quality of life.
If You Suffer from Myofacial Pain in the Winnipeg Area; Let Dr. Fleisher Help
Myofascial pain disorder is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of connective tissues covering the muscles. Often the result of tendons, ligaments or muscle groups suffering long-term, harmful effects of repetitive muscle contractions, myofascial pain disorder commonly affects people with jobs that require constant overuse of a particular muscle (usually elbow, wrist or shoulder muscles). Symptoms of myofascial pain are “triggered” when other parts of the body not associated with the area that is suffering pain is activated by movement.
Myofascial pain does not heal on its own. Instead, people with this disorder experience worsening symptoms unless treatment is initiated. Doctors are not sure what causes myofacial pain but speculate that the site of the injury seems to provoke the development of a specific “trigger point” that produces pain in unrelated areas of the body. For this reason, doctors may sometimes refer to myofascial pain as “referred pain”.
Symptoms of Myofascial Pain Disorder
*Persistent, worsening ache in a muscle, or muscles
*Muscle tenderness or “knotlike” feeling in the muscles
*Disruption of daily activities due to the severity of pain
*Fatigue, irritability and depression caused by coping with chronic pain
Myofascial Pain Disorder and TMJ
Temporomandibular joint disorder involves chronic jaw pain resulting from one or more issues deteriorating jaw health, such as bruxism (teeth grinding), unconsciously clenching and tightening the jaw muscles or damage to the jaw joint because of disease or injury.
Symptoms of TMJ include grating, popping or clicking sounds coming from jaw joints when opening and closing the mouth, misaligned bite, pain when chewing, talking or moving the jaw, headaches and inability to fully open the mouth.
Myfascial pain syndrome can result from TMJ when damaged jaw muscles create a trigger point somewhere else on the body. Feeling excessive and severe pain in your jaw when another muscle group is used requires the attention of a professional Winnipeg dentist who can examine your jaw and determine whether temporomandibular joint disorder is causing myofacial pain syndrome.
Treating TMJ disorder in Winnipeg by visiting a Winnipeg dentist generally involves taking X-rays of your jaw, determining the cause of the TMJ and prescribing appropriate treatment methods to alleviate the pain and discomfort of both myofacial pain syndrome and TMJ.
Patient Testimonials – Mrs. Z, Winnipeg
“I was recently in a car accident two months ago. In the first few days of my accident I was having symptoms of jaw cracking, difficulty chewing food, speaking and sleeping. I was also experiencing pain on the right side of my jaw. I realized that my jaw at the time was not aligned. I spoke to my physiotherapist Kendra D. who suggested that I see Dr. Fleisher. It was relayed to me that he specialized in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) injuries and myofacial pain disorders.
Within a few days I went to see Dr. Fleisher who assessed my injury and my symptoms. In the weeks ahead he took the time to thoroughly help me understand my injury. He provided a mouth guard (dental splint) which has alleviated my dental symptoms that I was having.
Dr. Fleisher and his professional staff, truly care about their clients. They are very compassionate individuals, in my opinion, who have assisted in treating my dental injuries.”
– Mrs. Z, Winnipeg
Patient Testimonials- Colleen F., Kenora, ON
“After a short time I left with the brace you had made for me and another appointment in a week. Why so soon? “Because, as you explained my jaw begins to relax, the excess of synovial fluid slowly reduces and the jaw shifts to its natural position. So the brace needs to be adjusted.” After a series of three appointments, some more adjusting of the brace, ‘tap, tap, tap, tap’ of the teeth, “where is it touching first? Can you tell?” I feel as if my jaw is in a more natural position. My speech is no longer affected, my neck does not feel as tight and I can turn it without pain, and my bite is much more comfortable.
I feel very fortunate to have sat in your chair and been the lucky recipient of yours and Edna’s care. The comradely between you and Edna illustrates the compassion and dedications you both possess in your generous venture in helping relieve people of their pain and discomfort from TMJ.”
– Colleen F., Kenora, ON
Patient Testimonials – Helene L., Winnipeg
Thank you for helping me with my TMJ disorder. It is incredible that after having had so much pain for so long that once the misery is cured I sometimes think it was imagined. Then I remember the shoulder and neck tension, the tingling in my fingers, ringing in my ears, the facial swelling and especially the ear pain.
I am so grateful to you both for your understanding, compassion and care. Thank you for making the dental splint which prevents grinding and clenching my teeth. I followed your advice to wear it when I drive and cannot believe how tense I become, when driving, so now I even wear it when life becomes overwhelming to help ease the tension build up. I have not taken any pain medication for headaches since.
Thank you for patiently showing and explaining the workings of the temporomandibular joint, its connective tissue and relationship to the nerves and muscles. After a few adjustments I have felt total relief. I am pain free.
– Helene L., Winnipeg
For more testimonials click here
Patient Testimonials- Maria K, Winnipeg
I came to Dr. Fleisher following a recommendation by my dentist. During my check ups, I often complained of tooth sensitivity and jaw discomfort. My dentist suggested that a mouth guard may prove to be a viable solution for my nightly grinding and mild gum recession.
Through Dr. Fleisher I was able to address the above problems and more. Prior to our first visit, I suffered from chronic ear ringing and ear pain. My family physician attributed the problem to damage caused by ear infections suffered during childhood. However, the pain was often so uncomfortable that it impeded me from working or being social. To “manage” the problem, I went to walk-in clinics complaining of ear infections. However, upon inspection, no infection would be found and I would be sent home. On top of my ear problems, I often felt dizzy and light headed. And although I never sought medical attention for this, I grew to feel that dizzy spells were simply going to be a part of my life.
Was I ever wrong!
On the first night with my mouth guard, I slept better than I had in years not waking once during the whole night – a rarity. For every night that I wear it, I sleep deeper, longer and awake better rested. Immediately, I felt better in the mornings and as the days progressed, the sense of ease carried into the afternoons. My jaw felt relaxed and I was able to sense when I was grinding my teeth during the day. Before receiving my mouth guard, my jaw would be so tense that I was often unaware that I was clenching.
Moreover, since getting the apparatus, I have not had an ear ache and the ringing in my ears has decreased remarkably – to the point that often, they don’t ring!!!! I have had fewer and fewer dizzy spells and remain hopefully that I will be rid of them with prolonged wear.
Aesthetically, the mouth guard has curbed the movement of one of my front teeth which is probably the best news yet. I have had braces, retainers, the works! But as I get older, I notice my teeth are loosing their positions and the mouth guard will help them remain in place.
In all, the apparatus is comfortable to wear, easy to clean and stays in place – unlike my retainer. And as for the people responsible, Dr. Fleisher and his assistant Edna work skilfully and attentively, ensuring that I am comfortable, pain free and understand every step of the procedure along the way. I must say that with Edna by Dr. Fleisher’s side, it feels as though I’m having two expert dentists work on my mouth.
I am very happy with the mouth guard and am excited to see what benefits long term use holds for me. It has proved to be an affordable no-nonsense solution to problems I am now able to manage if not fix all together. My one regret is not having had it made sooner.
– Maria K., Winnipeg